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Information & Instructions for Authors

The Journal welcomes topical reviews, scientific papers, opinion papers, short communications, and readers' letters relating to pharmaceutical and healthcare sciences. The editorial team will do all they can to assist you with the preparation and peer review and opinion papers where this is necessary. Please feel free to seek advice and help if necessary. We look forward to receiving your submission.

Presenting the material

(NOTE: We do not publish papers covering areas such as epidemiology, pharmacokinetics, chemotherapy, oncology and other areas of medical science).


Peer Review
Reviews and scientific papers are normally of four to six published pages (3000–3500 words approximately); short communications are one to two pages long (750–1500 words).


Opinion Paper

An opinion paper reports original and personal views on a given subject. Authors should outline their selected arguments and bring in original and ground breaking ideas and imaginative solutions. 
The proposed structure of an opinion paper is: 
•    introduction to the topic;
•    presentation of innovative and original hypotheses, and discussion of published data;
•    analysis of the impact of the proposed hypotheses and of the target audience.

Opinion papers should be based on published data, and should not expand on opinions by others, and should be written in a logical, professionally sound and convincing way. The structure may slightly vary but each paragraph should develop a single item. The length of an opinion paper is between 1000 and 3000 words.  It should include references to publications quoted and can include figures and tables.  

These papers are reviewed but not in the same way an original research paper it.  The review will include the content of the opinion and ensure a sound structure of the argument.


(NOTE: We do not publish papers covering areas such as epidemiology, pharmacokinetics, chemotherapy, oncology and other areas of medical science).  


Submit your paper via the form to the Editor-in-Chief, Graham Steele


If there are any queries please do not hesitate to contact the office by telephone on +44 (0)1793 824254 or email as above.


Papers may be submitted in languages other than English but, if accepted, will be translated by EJPPS / PHSS, using a specialist translator, and published in English with only the author's summary published in the original language.

The authors will have the opportunity of checking the translation if requested.


The title page should stand separately from the text, to allow anonymous review. It should include the title of the paper and the name(s) and position(s) of the author(s). Indicate the principal author where relevant. Also, supply the name, contact address (including email address if possible) and daytime telephone and fax numbers of the person who will check the proofs.


Presenting the text

The editorial team will help as much as possible, but you can assist greatly. In preparing the text, only use the space bar to provide space between words. For multiple spacing, use the tab command. The text should be divided into sections and given plentiful sub-headings, but avoid section numbering.


Give scientific measures in SI units, temperatures in degrees Celsius and, wherever possible, the generic rather than the proprietary names of drugs. Abbreviations and acronyms should be spelled out in full the first time they appear within the text and, if necessary, defined.


Each paper should have up to six keywords or phrases that characterise the contents of the paper. These will be used for indexing and data retrieval purposes.




References (peer review and opinion paper if applicable) should be numbered sequentially as they appear in the text, using superscript format, and listed in the same order at the end of the text, as follows:


Journal articles:


Gibbons D. Greener cleanrooms. European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2007; 12(3): 75–78.




Hodges N. In: Microbiological contamination control in pharmaceutical cleanrooms (ed. Halls N). Boca Raton, CRC Press/Sue Horwood Publishing, 2004; 115–136.

Handling illustrative material


Indicate within the text where figures and tables should fall. If graphs or tables are presented as an integral part of the text, it is best if they are treated as a self-contained addendum section at the end, following the references and numbered according to the order in which they appear in the text.


The source of all graphic or tabular material should be provided if possible. Legends for diagrams supplied separately should also be keyed into this addendum, as should captions for photographs.


For photographs supplied electronically, we prefer to receive the original picture file in print quality (high resolution) tif, jpg or similar format, rather than embedded within the text.


Good quality line drawings are also acceptable and should include all the relevant details. If facilities for producing line drawings are not available to the author, figures can be redrawn by the publishers.


Presenting the text


Papers will be refereed by members of the editorial board and/or their nominees. If any questions arise at this point, the paper will be returned to the author for comment and/or amendment.


Otherwise, the corresponding author will be sent page proofs by the due date. The editors' decision is final and correspondence will not necessarily be entered into regarding reasons for rejection, etc.


Conflict of Interest


Authors are expected to disclose any commercial or other associations that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article. All funding sources supporting the work should be acknowledged on the title page, as should institutional or corporate affiliations of the authors.

Submt Paper
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